De: Daniel Paez Altuve, el Sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011, 22:29
La Pelicula "La Cortina de Humo", donde se manipula a la población Norte americana a traves de los medios de comunicación, de tal manera que se crean y acepten una guerra en Albania para así distraerlos y evitiar que se conosca un affaire del presidente norte americano, SINOPSIS: Tras ser pillado in fraganti en una situación escandalosa a unos días antes de su reelección, el presidente de los Estados Unidos decide inventarse un conflicto que desvíe la atención de la prensa de su affaire. Uno de sus consejeros se pone en contacto con un productor de Hollywood para crear una cortina de humo: una guerra en Albania a la que el presidente pueda poner fin heroicamente ante las cámaras de televisión.
Ahora bien la misma agenda mediática de manipulación fue aplicada en Iraq (las tan famosas armas de destrucción masiva), en Afganistán (Bin Laden y Al Qaeda ) y, Ahora aplican la misma agenda en Egipto, Libia, Siria, y Venezuela, más o menos en los mismos terminos y, apoyados por FMI, BM, OMC. Después de hacer negocios con Mubarak y Gadafi más lograr que se desarmaran , pues los muy torpes entregaron todas sus armas con la promesa de paz hecha por sus nuevos panas, hoy los presentan como unos moustros, solo para saquear sus cuentas bancarias y las riquezas naturales de Egipto y Libia. Le toca a Siria y Venezuela, los hijo e puta nos tienen en la mira, pues tenemos La más grande reserva de petroleo del planeta, más Oro, Gas, Agua, hierro, aluminio y pare Ud., de contar, Se pueden dar cuenta de por qué la MUS insisten en que el comandante no debe invertir en armas, es un lineamiento desde la casa blanca, para tenernos papayíta....!
creo en dios, creo en el comandante Chàvez, creo en mi pueblo, creo en la revolución ..!! Daniel Michell # Brigada Comunicacional Bravos de Apure, Twitter @batallon88: batallon88.blogspot.com
"Wag the Dog" Daniel Paez Altuve, on Saturday, September 24, 2011, 22:29 The movie "Smokescreen", which handles North American people through the media, so that you create and accept a war in Albania in order to distract them and evitiar that President Meet a northern affair American, SYNOPSIS: After being caught red-handed in a scandalous situation a few days before his reelection, President of the United States decides to invent a conflict to divert attention from the press of his affair. One of his advisers contacts a Hollywood producer to create a smokescreen: a war in Albania that the president can heroically end before the television cameras.
Now the same media agenda manipulation was applied in Iraq (the so famous weapons of mass destruction), Afghanistan (Bin Laden and Al Qaeda) and, now apply the same agenda in Egypt, Libya, Syria and Venezuela, more or less on the same terms and, supported by IMF, WB, WTO. After doing business with Mubarak and Gaddafi more get disarm, for the very clumsy handed all his weapons with the promise of peace made by his new buddies, today presented as some monsters, only to loot their bank accounts and the natural Egypt and Libya. It is up to Syria and Venezuela, the son and whore are targeting us because we have the largest oil reserves in the world, more gold, gas, water, iron, aluminum and stop you, count, can account MUS why insist that the commander should not invest in arms, is a linemiento from the White House, to keep us papayíta ..
I believe in God, believe in the commander Chavez, I believe in my people, I believe in the revolution ..! Daniel Michell # Brigade Communicational Bravos de Apure, Twitter @ batallon88: batallon88.blogspot.com
Now the same media agenda manipulation was applied in Iraq (the so famous weapons of mass destruction), Afghanistan (Bin Laden and Al Qaeda) and, now apply the same agenda in Egypt, Libya, Syria and Venezuela, more or less on the same terms and, supported by IMF, WB, WTO. After doing business with Mubarak and Gaddafi more get disarm, for the very clumsy handed all his weapons with the promise of peace made by his new buddies, today presented as some monsters, only to loot their bank accounts and the natural Egypt and Libya. It is up to Syria and Venezuela, the son and whore are targeting us because we have the largest oil reserves in the world, more gold, gas, water, iron, aluminum and stop you, count, can account MUS why insist that the commander should not invest in arms, is a linemiento from the White House, to keep us papayíta ..
I believe in God, believe in the commander Chavez, I believe in my people, I believe in the revolution ..! Daniel Michell # Brigade Communicational Bravos de Apure, Twitter @ batallon88: batallon88.blogspot.com